graffiti: vandalism versus art

7 04 2010

The concept of writing on walls is one that has been around since the dawn of time, it has developed from cave men scrawling on walls to the modern form of graffiti which graces streets around the world. To some graffiti is a colorful and public way of expressing ones thoughts, to others it is ugly and intrusive. The debate on whether graffiti should be considered an art form or vandalism is one that will continue for years to come.

Through this blog I aim to examine further both sides of the argument as to whether graffiti should be considered vandalism or a modern art form. This will be done by looking at street artists who are revolutionizing the artistic world, interviewing the public, reporting relevant events and much more.

Have your say, do you think graffiti should be considered vandalism or a unique art that contributes to modern urban culture?

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